Our research project investigates long-term patterns in plant management and consumption at the archaeological site of Tell Nebi Mend in western Syria. Tell Nebi Mend has a long and rich history of occupation owing to its strategic position at the heart of the Homs-Tripoli Gap, the major east-west route from the Mediterranean coast to inland Syria. With a detailed sequence of plant remains spanning the Neolithic to Hellenistic/Roman periods (7th to the mid-1st millennium BCE), Tell Nebi Mend provides a unique opportunity to explore long-term trajectories in plant use and cultivation at a single locality in this key geo-political region and to examine how these articulate with wider climatic and socio-economic transformations.
Our project expands upon ongoing work being undertaken by Peter J. Parr (UCL), Prof. Graham Philip (University of Durham) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada-funded ‘Computational Research on the Ancient Near East’ (CRANE) project. The project is currently supported by grants from the Gerald Avery Wainwright Fund for Near Eastern Archaeology and by CRANE.
For more information on project links and funding bodies click here.
For further information on the project contact:
Dr Jade Whitlam
+44(0)1865 278261
Built on Skeleton. Content © Jade 2017
Pigs are lovely animals and have bristly backs - PH